Category: Articles

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How to Simplify Your Curriculum

As I write this, many homeschoolers are in the throes of planning for the new school year. I have watched on social media as parents have shared photos of towering book piles and the complicated systems they use to keep track of their curriculum choices. While I am in awe of their dedication and the…

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In Praise of Textbooks

Don’t you just love a good lit-based curriculum? What could be more thrilling to the heart of a homeschooling parent than the promise of snuggling on the couch, reading all those beautiful books with your children? Imagine teaching not just literature but also history, science, and even math through engaging narratives rather than boring, dry…

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Why Memorize in the Age of Google?

Why, in the age of Google, would we want our children to commit facts to memory? Why can’t they just look them up when they need them? The short answer is that students don’t know what they don’t know. Without some prior knowledge, they won’t even know what keywords might yield meaningful search engine results.…